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Pastoral Blog Posts

Greenhouse - Ministry for Young Adults

Greenhouse Promo 01

Loving our Young People

I’ve heard it said that our personality is the same regardless of age. As we grow older, we gain wisdom and experience that refine us, but the fun-loving, child-like (or childish!) parts of us remain at heart, though sometimes hidden. The Greenhouse is a ministry to young adults, however it is not restricted just to those who feel like young adults. A ministry needs people to do the ministering, and the Greenhouse welcomes all people of all ages to join with us in this ministry.

The goal of the Greenhouse is to Gather the young adults in a culture of biblical community, to Encourage them by facilitating discussions about how the gospel transforms their lives, and to Send them out from the events to live these transformed lives among their community. Our hope is that through the relationships formed and the sharing of experience and wisdom over the word, the young adults of Cornerstone will learn and grow in maturity and godly character.

This sort of growth does not occur over night. It’s not something that can be taught in a classroom or through a sermon. It’s not even something that attending a Greenhouse event can make happen. Growth in maturity and godly character comes from being embedded in a biblical community. It is within this relational context of the community of believers that people not only hear, but see, experience, try, fail and grow. One of God’s greatest gifts to the individual believer is the whole body of Christ. The Greenhouse is merely a platform to facilitate, promote and encourage this type of community.

To the young adults, do not turn a blind eye to the wealth of wisdom and experience before you in the community of Christ. There is only one Heavenly Father, and only two earthly parents, but in the body of Christ there are many spiritual mothers and fathers whom God has gifted to us. Break out from your circles once in a while to seek out and get to know them. Why not learn from those who have gone before you?

To the adults, you may not feel like you have much to give or that you are particularly gifted in ministering to young people. But by nature of who you are and where God has placed you within the community, as adults, you have something of great worth that the young adults don’t have; experience. That little conversation over morning tea, or invitation to lunch or dinner goes a long way and is invaluable to us young people. And who knows, maybe you will be to them what they might one day be to your children.

To the whole community of believers, let us be what God has called us to be; a community of believers. Let us love and serve one another, sharing in each other’s lives as though each of us were God’s gift to one another. Don’t be afraid, after all, deep down we are all pretty much the same; sinners saved by Christ. Oh, and 25 at heart.