SHINE 2024
SHINE stands for:
Serving Hand in Hand Impacting Needs Elsewhere
SHINE was launched in 2005 as a cornerstone Kids (CKids) initiative to raise awareness of missions.
The purpose of SHINE is to bring together all of Cornerstone to work together to have fun and raise funds towards missions for the glory of God.
SHINE Silent Auction
SHINE is pushing through with another fundraising opportunity for missions through the Silent Auction.
Start thinking about goods or services you can offer for the silent auction as a Connect Group, a group of friends, or individually!
Visit our Silent Auction website to offer your services or check out exciting items as the catalogue grows.
Cornerstone Mission Initiatives
SHINE Soccer Slam Event
The event has now past but here are this year's highlights!
How can I donate?
You can participate in the SHINE Silent Auction.
Otherwise, you can donate through the following SHINE account!
Name: Cornerstone Community Church Shine
BSB: 012287
Account Number: 380261578
Who do I contact:
Speak to your SHINE reps at your congregation to get involved or ask questions!
Email address: