At Cornerstone Concord we enjoy being an intergenerational church made up of infants, retirees and every stage of life in between! At the core of it, we're simply an imperfect church made up of imperfect people but we believe in a perfect Saviour who died and rose again for us.
Whether you're looking for a new church home, seeking to know more about Jesus, looking to rediscover your faith or are in a moment of life where you are searching for answers, you are more than welcome at Cornerstone Concord.
Sundays 9:30am
Every Sunday at 9:30am we meet at Concord Public School and the service runs for about an hour and a half. During school terms we have Cornerstone Kids which is a Christian program for primary age children.
During each service we worship God together by singing, praying and hearing God's Word read and preached.
After the service we have morning tea and once a month we have church lunch (first time visitors are free!).
During the week we also have regular Bible study groups where we can connect and grow together in smaller communities.
Getting here
Concord Public School is located on the corner of Stanley Street and Burwood Road, Concord. Street parking is available with on-site parking for parents with young children or people requiring special assistance.
Meet our elders
The pastor works closely with his church elders: Geoff Au, Des Tan and Graeme Wong See. Together they work at shepherding the church underneath Christ who is our Chief Shepherd.

Des Tan

Graeme Wong-See

Geoff Au
Connect with us
Instagram: @cornerstoneconcord