As Christians, we have received undeserved generosity from God. Jesus gave his life so that we might live. In response to God’s incredible love and generosity we are to sacrificially and cheerfully give our time, talents and money to honour God and help more people meet Jesus.

Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us in God’s work at Cornerstone. You can give in any one of the following ways:

General & Missions Giving


Direct Deposit

Name: Cornerstone Presbyterian Community Church
BSB: 012 445
Account Number: 254788926
Bank: ANZ

To assist us administratively, please indicate in the description field of the transfer which congregation you belong to and whether the offertory is to be directed to general GIVING or to MISSIONS eg. CONGiving, STRMissions.

Please use the following 3 letter code References for your congregation:
Concord - CON
Eastwood - EAS
Homebush Bay - HBB
Kellyville - KEL
Kogarah - KOG
Rhodes - RHO
Strathfield - STR
Willoughby - WIL

Training Fund

To support the future growth and training of our church and the next generation of Christians, please prayerfully consider making a separate donation on top of your normal giving to the Education and Training Fund. This fund will help support students training with us.

Name: Cornerstone Presbyterian Community Church
BSB: 012445
Account Number: 420592284
Bank: ANZ

Event Account

From time to time when collecting payment for items or events, we will direct you to pay to this account, labelling the deposit with your name and event details.

Name: Cornerstone Presbyterian Community Church
BSB: 012287
Account Number: 212899046
Bank: ANZ