At Cornerstone Youth (CY) our vision is to reach out to teenagers, make disciples and build a biblical community to the glory of God.

A typical Friday night starts with CY Praise - an all-in time with games, prayer groups and singing. We then head into grade-specific groups for a time of engaging with God’s Word and building community. The night ends with supper all together.

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Our CY leaders

All high school students are welcome to join us at either one of our campuses. We meet each Friday night of the school term from 7:00-9:15pm.

CY Northern Campus meets at Eastwood Heights Public School.
CY Inner West Campus meets at Concord Public School.

For more information head to, follow us on instagram @cornerstoneyouthsydney or email


Our Youth Workers 

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Ruth Lee

Youth Worker

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Matt Lihou

Youth Worker

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