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Pastoral Blog Posts

John 1 - Sermon Series at Strathfield

John 1

In the book of Ezekiel the prophet experiences an incredible vision of the LORD God Almighty. Before Him are four angelic creatures that have the face of a lion, an eagle, an ox and a man. They're symbolic of the LORD's sovereignty over the air, wild and domesticated animals as well as those made in His image. Historically the church has seen those four images as representative of the Lord Jesus Christ in each of the four Gospels. For Matthew He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. For Mark the Son of Man. For Luke the servant and for John the glorious eagle. Starting this week at Cornerstone Strathfield we begin a 7 part series on the prologue of John's Gospel (1:1-18). Come and find out more about this awesome and majestic divine Word whom wonders of wonders has taken on human flesh.